Jun 22, 2012 01:02
Audrey and I were at the mall about a month ago and I found this really cute skirt but it was 40 bucks so she made me wait until I got paid to think about it. I haven't been back to that mall since then so I haven't had a chance to get it. Tonight I was derping on the store's website and that skirt is on sale for 15 bucks. BAM. BOUGHT. Audrey is my hero.
I am very much looking forward to Saturday, when Patrick and I go to see Brave. I've been on a Disney kick for the past several months and I can't shake it. The only cure is MORE DISNEY. MORE PIXAR. FUEL THE FIRES OF MY IMAGINATION.
(I'm also looking forward to Lauren's rooftop birthday party that night, and just the general novelty of seeing my boyfriend)
I've got a pretty sweet book/short story idea brewing in my brain. Now I just need to motivate myself to write it. Then I can get it published and become famous.
I've been powering through the most recent book in the Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones for those of you who don't read). It's awesome. Not quite on par with Book Three of the series, which blew my goddamn mind, but it's probably the second best in the series. Or at least imho.
The Gardiners have entered the phase where one or more of us are not at home. My dad has been in India for the last three weeks. He gets home on Sunday, the day my brothers leave for a canoe trip in the Canadian wilderness with the church youth group. They'll return next Saturday - next Sunday the five of us leave for the Jersey shore, where we will spend the 4th of July and my birthday. Huzzah! I cannot wait for vacation.
Weddings, weddings, weddings. I'm so happy for all my friends. :)
I'm really glad that I've found the work group that I have found. Tonight I listened to the guys engage in a rousing discussion of Magic that lasted the ENTIRE shift. Even though I know nothing about the game, I found it entertaining.
Some of the people on that shift are legit crazy, but I deal with it. No matter where I go in life, there will always be crazies. No use fretting over it.
Even though I like this job for now, I'm hoping to have left the Buffalo area by 2013. We'll see how finances and other things cooperate with that plan.
That's pretty much it for now. My life is boring but pleasant. How are all of you?