Hotsuma's kitty-cat tales: Hidden secret ...

Sep 14, 2017 14:38

Been a bit busy so no, there was no kitty-cat tale last week, but the good news is that there is one this week!  And it is a fluffy one.


(Over here dress shirts are packed in translucid paper - which is very fine but resistant paper - and then placed in a firm, carton box.  I used this manner in the drabble below.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Uraboku.  This is just fan fiction.

Hidden secret:

Hotsuma couldn’t believe his cat eyes. For so long he had thought he had known Shusei through and through only to be proven completely wrong during the Ashley ordeal. But out of that drama and near disaster had come something positive and after a good talk Hotsuma had truly come to believe that there wouldn’t be any more secrets between them. How wrong he had been …

Hotsuma’s orange paw reached out and carefully pawed the blue knitted material that had tumbled out of the box and the translucid paper. It wasn’t like he had gone deliberately in search for any possible secrets Shusei could have still been keeping. It had just tumbled into his life as he had rummaged in Shusei’s closet to search for a soft and comfy spot to take a quick and undisturbed nap. The box had tumbled off a shelve, the lid sliding off partially and the box spilling its contents.

Hotsuma’s cat eyes transferred their attention to the other article that now lay out in the open on Shusei’s bedroom floor and it made him wonder if the other two pieces were perhaps still in the box.

Hotsuma walked over to the box and pushed with his nose the lid further off the box and peered inside. On stylefull protective translucid paper laid the blue cap and the missing blue glove. Just like the scarf and the glove on the floor, the articles of clothing were still in pristine shape. Shusei had obviously taken very good care of the winter ensemble Hotsuma had forced upon his partner when they had still been kids and the brunet had showed up at school in the midst of winter freezing cold. When he and Shusei had walked after school to the Twilight Mansion for a training session, Hotsuma had come to notice Shusei’s shivering and had immediately transferred his own cap to Shusei’s head, pulling the warm knitted fabric down over the brunet’s ears, after which he had pulled off his gloves and pulled them on over Shusei’s slightly blue tinged hands, his scarf quick to follow and find a new home around Shusei’s neck. Of course Shusei had protested, not wanting Hotsuma to become cold but Hotsuma had refused to take a single step until Shusei had promised to keep the gloves, cap and scarf on. The next day Shusei had tried to return the items to him but he had refused, knowing Shusei’s parents didn’t really take much notice of their son and only fulfilled the absolutely basic needed care to keep Shusei alive without going a single inch further than what was absolutely necessary. He himself had at least loving parents, or so he had still believed at that time.

Hotsuma sighed. The entire winter Shusei had worn the blue knitted winter ensemble but the next winter his partner had grown out of them and Hotsuma had thought Shusei had just thrown the winter set out or given it to charity. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined not only that Shusei would have hold on to the scarf, cap and gloves but that his partner would also take such good care of the winter ensemble and preserve it as if it was some golden treasure to cherish.

Hotsuma bent down and nuzzled the fabric of the blue knitted cap. Shusei may be regarding these things as a gift to cherish but to him it was the brunet boy who was the true treasure who deserved to be cherished and he couldn’t wait for his partner to come home and show Shusei just that.

shuusei usui, betrayal knows my name, uragiri, shusei usui, hotsuma renjou, hotsuma's kitty-cat tales, uraboku

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