Animal neglector 1 point, little old me ... 0 points

Aug 28, 2017 16:08

Remember the kittens and mother cat I took in for a week after I had found them sick and neglected by their owners who had hoped on vacation?  Remember how they chucked the police on me as soon as they were back and had their cats back?  Remember how I was called a trespasser and thief whilst I had followed the rules or at least thought I had followed the rules as the police had informed me wrongly on what I was allowed to do and what not?  Remember how I also had filed a complaint against the cat and kittens' owners for their neglect?  Well ...

In the meantime the healthy kittens have been sold for 100 euros a piece (not bad, huh?)  And eventhough the law in Belgium states that the kittens have to be chipped, vaccinated and sterilized; the owners didn't do anything of that sort cause of course chipping, vaccinating and sterilizing kittens costs money.  What has happened to the sick kittens is anyones guess but I fear for it :-(  And so due to my worry I started going after my first filed in complaint to try and get some answers.  I even filled out a second form in which I spoke of the selling of the kittens with once again evidence as I had taken screenshots from the adds for the kittens on the second hand selling sites.

And guess what now ... I finally know something more.  Are you sitting down?  Both my forms are still lying on their desk untouched.  They read them and didn't do anything with them even if it is their job or at least I think it is as in the job description on their sites stands that neglect of animals (also cats) and the selling of kittens that aren't chipped, vaccinated and sterilized needs to be rapported to them so that they can go after the people who aren't following the law.  Yet they did NOTHING!  Perhaps they were too busy painting their nails to do their job.

This also means that for my own case I have nothing.  Since no one went to see for themselves 'on site so to speak' and went to check the kittens condition, I can't use this in my defence for the trespasing and theft charges.  The pictures I took to proof the neglect even work against me as they are proof I was indeed in their shed otherwise I couldn't have taken the pictures ...  *slams her head a few times against her desk*

Can you fu*king believe this?!  I think that Belgium still has a very long road to go as far as animal welfare goes ...

And yes it completely sucks that the neglectors now stand that much stronger in their claims against me but what really gets me and what realy hurts me is that I have no clue what happened to the two sick kittens.  Did they just let them die?  Did they dump them somewhere to fend for their own and die in the wild if no one else found them on time and was willing to take them in and go to the vet with them?  I swear, if I had known that that stupid service for animal welfare was so lazy then I would never have follwed their stated rules and give the kittens back to begin with.  I would have created a storm had the owners tried to take them away and hopefully that would have gotten the right attention.  But now ...  I so feel nothing but sadness for those two lost kittens and that I failed them ...

cat, real life, rl

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