Art for Doesn't Matter What I Remember

Nov 06, 2017 05:30

Title: Doesn't Matter What I Remember
Author: smalltrolven | (AO3)
Artist: stargazingchola | (tumblr)
Summary: Maybe it’s because they both almost lost each other again. That’s part of what makes Dean do it, but mostly it’s the essay he read in a magazine in the laundromat. Sometimes the right words find you just when you need to read them.
Fic Link: LJ | AO3

Notes: working with smalltrolven was a dream because she's one of my favorite authors and being able to draw for her story was so fantastic!  Please head over to her livejournal and leave a ton of comments! <3 <3  also be sure to check out the other pieces for the Wincest Big Bang 2017 over at their tumblr or LJ

wincest big bang 2017, wincest, supernatural, my art, wbb2017, wincest big bang

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