Art for Wincest Reverse Big Bang 2016

Apr 29, 2016 14:09

Never Can Say Goodbye
Written by:
Art by:
stargazingchola (LJ) | winchesterchola (Tumblr)
Ships: Wincest
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,300
Tags: hurt!Sam, spoilers S11, bottom!Sam
Summary: When Sam is seriously hurt on a hunt Dean knows that he can't save him.  As Sam lays dying Dean thinks back to how their relationship has changed and how they have come to love each other in so many different ways.  He won't let Sam die but if Dean can't make a deal who is going to come to Sam's rescue?
Link to Fic: LJ | AO3
Artist's Notes:  First of all I want to thank Annie for picking my art and creating a wonderful story. It was amazing to work with you, and thanks again for providing a fantastic fic, making it so much easier to create additional works for it  :D    I also wanna thank the mods of Wincest Reverse Big Bang for hosting the event! This wouldn't be possible without their help.

wincest, supernatural, wrbb2016, my art, wincest reserve big bang

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