Art for Aubade

Jun 25, 2019 06:00

Title: Aubade

Author: smalltrolven

Artist: stargazingchola

Rating: NC-17

Wordcount: 29,198

Pairing: Sam/Dean, re-established

Warnings: Spoilers for season 14. Set in a divergent AU set after 14.14 “Ouroboros”.

Summary: Sometimes the place you live requires a lot more upkeep than you’d ever imagined. Dawn breaks over the lands that surround the bunker, and things are never the same for Sam and Dean. They each have half of the day, dusk to dawn for Sam, and dawn to dusk for Dean to both figure it out. Cas, Jack and Mary help the brothers discover the deals the Men of Letters made with four ancient beings who have been protecting the four directions around the bunker. It was all for a good reason, and the brothers didn’t know, but they still must pay the debt that is owed. In the few moments the brothers have together at dusk and dawn, the relationship once severed is re-made into something unbreakable.

Fic Link: LJ | AO3
Art Link: tumblr | DW

note: as always working with smalltrolven is a gift!!!  She's so talented and delightful and it's a pleasure to create these pieces with her.  <3 <3 <3  Go give her love on her amazing fic!!

wincest, spn_j2_bigbang

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