Title: Amaryllis
Author: Anae
Characters/pairing: Shusei/Hotsuma
Rating: eventual M/NC-17 (because it's gonna take while - boys need to grow up, plus well, manga wasn't too helpful for hot scenes)
Spoilers: overall thorough the manga/anime
Disclaimer: After finishing and re-working with this, I would deserve the boys, but no. Not mine. The song used belongs to Shinedown.
Summary: Both Shusei and Hotsuma struggled with their fates, with themselves ever since they were kids. This is how it happened - how two children grew up to be Zweilts, partners, and eventually, grew to understand and love each other.
A/N: Here we go, hope you enjoy!
Chapter 23: Missing those days
"“Yuki’s arriving?” Hotsuma said, not really directing his words to his partner but more to himself, even if he was aware of his partner standing a couple of steps away. “Tsk. Who needs him anyway?”"