Title: Amaryllis
Author: Anae
Characters/pairing: Shusei/Hotsuma
Rating: eventual M/NC-17 (because it's gonna take while - boys need to grow up, plus well, manga wasn't too helpful for hot scenes)
Spoilers: overall thorough the manga/anime
Disclaimer: After finishing and re-working with this, I would deserve the boys, but no. Not mine. The song used belongs to Shinedown.
Summary: Both Shusei and Hotsuma struggled with their fates, with themselves ever since they were kids. This is how it happened - how two children grew up to be Zweilts, partners, and eventually, grew to understand and love each other.
A/N: I'm not sure what to say of this chapter. I can't say it's necessary for the future, but I wouldn't call it unnecessary either. If you want to take a thought about this chapter, take it on what's said about humans here, and the mentality Shusei is slowly starting to build. (If you can't see it yet or disagree with me, I don't mind. I hope you still enjoy the chapter though.)
And now that I remember; thank you for those who have commented, it really makes my days and motivates me to go on.
Chapter 12: I still believe:
"Shusei knew it was a childish, naïve belief, but he still wanted to believe in it."