Fandom: Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru (Betrayal knows my name)
Author: pu_ni_yo
Pairing: Hotsuma x Shusei; Senshirou x Kuroto; mentions of Luka x Yuki and the Murasame siblings
Rating: PG-13 (1st chapter); M/NC-17 (2nd and last chapter)
Warnings: Possible spoilers for minor situations, nothing major; smex (for what else should I write fanfiction? :P)
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. This also applies to anything related to this series. Any similarity with real world situations is pure coincidence.
Summary: It was a perfect morning. What happens when Hotsuma learns to drive (and drags Shusei for a trip) , Senshirou wins a prize for his paintings (and receives a gift from Kuroto) , Tsukumo gets sick (and Touko nurses him) and Yuki decides to have a tattoo? A light story for an angsty break!
Author's note: I'm sorry for taking so long to update this fic! *bows* Writer's block and a very busy life. Have tons of assignments and working hours are quite hectic so. Thanks for all of you who read the first chapter and are still sticking for the next one. For the second one I didn't want to have so much action (action is not the same as smex, though :P) since I wanted to explore the characters psychological side. Hope you will enjoy it! Reviews are love. This is an un-beta text so there might be some grammar mistakes.
Read it here: