Comment if you'd like a colour! Then list ten things that you like/love which are that colour.
soul_searcher_4 gave me the colour White
I gave this some real thought! XD so, in descending order:
- Mushrooms!
- Stars in the night sky
- White chocolate
- Arizona's heely's XD
- Whipped cream
- Insulin
- My hoody with purple dots on it
- White lilies
- Milk (yum!)
- Snow scenes
I left insulin out of the image, since its not particularly picturesque... plus there were a few things I love that didnt quite make the top ten: the nougat in a milkyway, a crisp sheet of paper, the white layer of an angel cake, my new white shirt from H&M, the sterotypical mugs in my kitchen, the centre of an orange creme quality street and a soft slice of kingsmill =P