Step one!

Jan 25, 2007 01:26

WHOO!!! I am accomplished! Well, not really just yet. I did make another post in here..and it has been less than a month. Damn, I am proud. But for real...

I started working out today. It felt GOOD. I busted my ass on the treadmill for 15 minutes, then did the elliptical for 12. I know, I know--that's nothing. That IS something for me. I also did sit-ups--3 sets of 15--and I did some arm thingy. I think it had to do with my Lats? I'm not sure, but I know that I pulled the bar down behind my head, and I could feel it in my neck muscles. It felt good actually.

Tomorrow I am going to work out again, but I think I'm just going to work on the treadmill and the elliptical. Maybe even do the sit-ups again.

I am just glad that I have motivation to work out. I decided today that I am going to use the aggression and anger that I feel towards a certain someone (K.D.C) to fuel my workouts. I may even buy some Tae-Bo tapes and use my fuel for that work out as well. I am starting to come to terms with the type of person he is, I just still have some pent up energy towards the situation. I will release in a constructive, positive way. I just wish that I had a punching bag. That would be really nice.

Oh oh oh...I almost forgot. I think that I am going to take up belly dancing classes. I think that would be a good workout as well. And I could meet new people and learn a new hobby. I think it will be fun. I just have to look into it.

Well, I am going to put my groceries away and go to bed. 7 AM comes very early. And I AM going to get up and go work out. AND I am going to class tomorrow as well. Goodnight!



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