Do you see what I see

Sep 02, 2008 21:27

I had an enrollment at a law firm today. It went well, without incident, but it was what I thought after that was significant.

When we interact with other people, we always assume things. Just based on appearances and interactions, we develop the back stories to these peoples lives. We do it for a variety of reasons. To satisfy curiosity, to make ourselves feel better, to try to understand a person's quirks. Who really knows the reasons why we do this, but we do.

The thing is, we are always wrong. There are those moments, few and far between, were we are close to having some sort of accuracy to the stories we create, but it is rare. When we do learn of the situations and the incidents that define a person and their life, we are usually surprised. I don't understand why, since we are making assumptions to begin with, but we are none the less.

The reason I bring this up is because during these enrollments, I meet a lot of people. Different people. People who come from different walks of life, who have different backgrounds. It is almost impossible to try to determine their stories. So I am always taken by surprise when I learn things about them. For instance today I met with:

-A lady who had no mortgage payment, no car payment and a husband who just had open heart surgery. This lady was very frank about the fact that she knows her husband will pass before her 3 year old turns 18.
-A single mother of 3 children.
-A single woman whose only dependent is her mother.
-A gentleman who is retired from the military, who wanted to make sure that if anything were to happen to him that his wife would still be able to live comfortably off his military pension and whatever benefits we gave him.

I wasn't shocked, just surprised. You never know what a person's story is going to be, and sometimes you are just amazed at what the truth really is.

*I wanted to end this differently, but my head hurts from being tired and I can't think straight. Maybe one day I will revisit this and re-edit.
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