Mar 23, 2007 14:56
I went on a tour of a brewery yesterday. It was pretty cool... and we got all-you-can-drink free beer at the end! :-)
(Check facebook for pictures)
After much deliberation, I decided to see if I could still tag along on the trip to Freiburg tomorrow... I think I'm in, but I have to wait til tomorrow to know for sure.
I need to go buy more groceries... there's nothing to eat here!
...I also need to find out where to buy another Waschkarte for the laundry room...
I was looking online at the schedule of classes, and am quite frustrated that the Second Language Acquisition course (taught in English) and the Contemporary Love Poetry course (taught in German) conflict with each other. They're the only two classes that I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to take... and I can't take both :-(
I might end up going with the Linguistics one... I'll email Prof Grimshaw and double-check that it'll transfer. After all, I'm further behind in that major and there will always be other German lit classes... there's an Eichendorff one I might take... and also one on the dramatic works of Max Frisch, and one on the bourgeous tragedy.
I also started looking at the class schedule for Fall '07. It's kind of ridiculous that I have to pick my Fall classes BEFORE my "Spring" classes... but such is life.
Right now I'm looking at Phonetics, Romance Linguistics, Memory, and that German Fairytale class I had to withdraw from the first time I tried to take it. I'm also thinking about Old English Language because it counts as an inter-discipline course for Linguistics, and am still trying to decide whether to take Psych of Language (because it'll count both for my major AND my minor)... problem is it conflicts with Fairy Tales... so we'll see. I only need 2 more psych classes for the minor... Memory will be one, and then I'll need one next Spring. I'll just cross my fingers that they offer Psych of Language again in the Spring!
I'm also debating whether or not I really want to take Phonetics... I mean, I know I don't really want to take it, but they never seem to offer enough Linguistics courses, and I need to make sure I graduate next year... I still need to take Semantics, so they BETTER offer that in the Spring (although I heard through the grapevine that they were willing to accept Lang and Context in its place... and I already took that one... so we'll see)! I just hope that Phonetics isn't about the wavelengths of different speech sounds and all that nonsense... I couldn't handle a semester of that...
(Hey, can someone with a course catalog look it up for me (01-615-451) and tell me what the course description says?)
OK, enough rambling. I gotta go catch a bus to the Uni to get my student ID.