(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 14:57

Hello everyone...

SO my three-day weekend consisted of work, church, and a lil' bit of mall thrown in there, Had a good weekend. Sunday at work was terrible... people make me mad GRRRR!

God is so awesome!! Last night I was sitting in bed and a big wave of relization just came over me while I was praying. God is so GIVING! He blesses my life everyday. Family, friends, church, school, house, dog, MY CAR!, job, EVERYTHING!! I don't understand how you wouldn't want to praise him. I have been struggling with the idea of God making us to worship him. I always thought that was a selfish thing to do. And it is if you look at the surface of that statement only. But, last night I finally GOT IT!!! I GET IT!! AWESOME!!

Oh yah so my car!!! I got a car... I can't drive till April but hey I got a car!! It is a 94' red Pontiac Grand Prix!! HECK YES!! I am so excited... if you knew the story you would be amazed by GOD yet again!! just a god-given joy! WOOT WOOT!

Ok Well I have to go to work tonight and I still have some hw!!


Love, SaMM
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