Nov 05, 2005 10:06
after over a year of my cat inappropriately urinating and spraying - i have tried everything different food, sprays, and hundreds of dollars on different types of litter boxes, different placement of litter boxes ect i was at my wits end.
he has ruined clothes, shoes, bagpacks and the final straw was my couch that i had to throw away i took him to the vet. we ruled out unrinary problems - like FUS she prescribed amitriptyline (sp?).
5 mgs twice a day. we will try this for 3 weeks and if it doesnt work than prozac if that doesn't work than valium - if that doesnt work he will either have to be an outdoor kitty.
there arent any side effects that are common. i will have his liver checked once a year to be sure everything is a.o.k.
one of the vets there said her dog was on it for separation anxiety and it worked great than she was able to take him off.
i bought a pill gun and he has taken the medication twice with no problems.
anyone else have any similar experiences?