(no subject)

Aug 27, 2009 15:50

What a fantastic first day of Junior year at WAMS. Of course, the communist principal spoke every 2 hours over the intercom, reminding students not to do this, to do that, have a nice day, etc. Woman, as much as you say "have a nice day," I'm not going to like you. You are a communist, Ms. McStalin. It wasn't such a bad first day. It's always as hectic as it usually is. New kids show up, I already know the school is my territory, so they have to build my trust for them from the ground up. Saw Josh, didn't want to. Own the same shirt as he does. Shit.

My schedule is pretty fucked up too. The academics are fine. But my electives? Fuck. No. Absolutely not.
Period 1: Acting I, Agostine. -- My problem with this one? She's on maternity leave until January. ISH. We have two subs who are not even qualified to teach acting, teaching us acting. Shulte looks like he has a free period. Why doesn't he take over? He's qualified.
Period 2: P.E., Ford. -- My problem? It's P.E. I thought I got that credit over and done with. We were able to take dance and graduate with that as a credit for physical education, without having to take a gym class. What happened? The state decided that since Dance is an art form, and in "no way related" to physical fitness or physical movement in general, that now P.E. is a requirement. Screw you, CT.
Period 3: Costume Design 1, Ruby. -- I don't really mind this one. I love Rubes, and I love the class, so it's okay. Getting enough money to buy all the stuff I need to make my shit, though, is going to be hard. On top of that, I don't even know what I want to make!
Period 4: Chemistry Honors, Pennington. -- It's fine. I like him, he's not hard on the eyes, and I like Science.
Period 5: Spanish 2, Mitwhatever. -- Spanish. Class. That's the problem.
Period 6: AP US History, Ondrush. -- Love him. Probably will hate the work associated with the level of the class. But I signed up for it.
Period 7: Algebra 2 Honors, Casey. -- I thought Casey didn't like me. I also hate math. I'm good at at, but I don't like it. At all.
Period 8: AP English Comp. and Lang., Park. -- I love Ms. Park. I love her English classes. I'll like this class.

So. Problems? Acting I. PE. Spanish. Those are my main problems. PE, requirement now. Spanish, never a requirement. And Acting? I would take it if someone who actually FIT the job description of a theater teacher taught it. But since she's on maternity leave, and Shulte is just running around, and Stemmer decided to leave, and Post is running a Director's class that same period, it looks pretty impossible that anyone suitable for the job will step in.

I also need to find out what periods Photography 3 will be available. I need that class, because I need to work on my college portfolio. Speaking of college. I have to start signing up for my SATs, ACT, and start really looking into the colleges I want to go to.

It looks like Junior year really is the most important year in High School.
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