History write-up

Feb 10, 2010 14:06

Because I want there to be a complete write-up that doesn't mix in non-game canon.

**This is really messy and rambling because I haven't edited it for readability or grammar.

In the games, not much is given on what Tyr's childhood was like. However, it does state that Gremio, along with Pahn and Cleo, raised Tyr from a young age. Whoever his mother was and whatever happened to his her is unknown, but his father, Teo, was one of the Five Great Generals under Emperor Barbarossa Rugner, whom he aided during the War of Succession seven years before the events of the game take place. Because of his father's relationship with the Emperor, as well as his hometown of Gregminster being the most prosperous city in the Empire, Tyr was originally loyal to the Empire, and even more loyal to his father for that matter.

While Tyr was part of the Imperial Guard, following in his father's footsteps, his life really started to change. The one of the most important events of this time were his meeting with Leknaat, the Seer. On a mission to retrieve astrological readings for the Empire, Tyr was taken aside and told that he'll bear a large burden and suffer greatly in the future, but be able to handle it. This holds true for Tyr in every aspect as the game progresses.

Of lesser importance, the next noteworthy event was that related to his mission in Rockland. While still loyal to the Empire, he heard about and witnessed the injustice in it. Rockland was really as far as one could get from Gregminster next to Kalekka, being a poor town that looks as you would imagine a town called 'Rockland' looking, where the mayor of the town stole tax money from its citizens and blamed the it on mountain bandits. There's also a boy there that said he knows the party can't actually be Imperial Guards because they didn't kick him. Yeah, the party does see the boy getting beaten up by a group of Imperial Guards later, and they stepped in to help the child. Mostly it's important in Tyr's development in that it's the first real view of the Empire outside Gregminster that Tyr gets as well as first showing his desire for justice.

After that came the event that set the stage for the rest of the game and really solidifid his hatred towards Kraze, the Imperial Officer that he was working under. On the mission to stop the bandits that they believed were stealing the tax money from Rockland, Ted used his rune to defeat a monster that was far too strong for them to beat. It was their only chance to beat it because escape would have been impossible. Kanaan, an Imperial Officer under Kraze that was put in charge of watching over Tyr's party, took note of Ted using the rune and reported it to Kraze, who proceeded to report it to Windy, the court magician and the main antagonist in the game.

When the party returned to Gregminster, Ted went with Kanaan to the Palace, and the next time they saw him, he had only stumbled into the entrance of the McDohl household and was horribly wounded by what appeared to be rune magic. What happened to Ted is told to the others via Ted's words/flashback. While he was at the Palace, he was turned into Windy, who had been pursuing Ted for his rune for three hundred years. Ted refused and used his rune once more in order to cause some damage and escape. After he finished telling this, he passed out and Pahn felt conflicted, believing that the Imperial court would do such a thing. Cleo and Gremio remained faithful that Ted was telling the truth, but Pahn left in order to notify the Imperial Guard under the guise of saying he was going to get medicine.

After Pahn left, Ted came back around and told Tyr that he had a big favour to ask of him. Regardless of whether Tyr says yes or no, he'll eventually give into Ted's request. If Tyr keeps telling him "No", Ted will tell him to quit teasing him because he's in pain and that this is the last favour he'll ask. Either way, Tyr agreed to help Ted, who asked Tyr to remove his right glove, and thus reveal his rune, the Soul Eater. It's recognised as being one of the 27 True Runes, and Ted explained that the Soul Eater was the cause of his trouble and the reason Windy had been after him for centuries. Because he couldn't escape with the wound he had, he begged Tyr to take it for him. At that time, the strength of their friendship was truly shown. Even before this scene, Ted had hinted that he wanted to tell Tyr about it, but it's only at this time that he can. Ted told him that he didn't want to bring friendship into the matter since he knew that the rune would bring a lot of pain to Tyr, but in the end, Tyr is the only one he could trust to take it and never give it to Windy.

With Tyr's agreeing, Ted passed the rune onto Tyr. Immediately afterwards, Ted relaxed and a crash sounded at the front door, where a group of guards, along with Pahn, Kraze, and Kanaan, are waiting. Even though the group would defend the McDohl household to the end, Ted came in and said he'll be a decoy for them to escape. No matter how much Tyr might refuse, Ted tells him that he'll escape--Tyr has to trust him. They escaped into the night, but the only place to run to was Marie's inn, where they spent the night. Pahn remains part of the Imperial Guard and isn't seen until later in the game, and Ted, likewise, isn't seen again until much later in the game.

The next morning, the guards were still after them, blocking off the city to trap them. Then along came Viktor, who worked out the whole mess for them by paying off the guard at the city gate. In return, Tyr had to agree to meet with someone in Lenankamp, to the south.

In the events of the second game, Tyr McDohl is not connected to them. It's only by chance that he becomes involved with the hero of the game, Riou. Tyr had been staying at Banner Village after having so long been away from the Toran Republic, apparently never having returned in the three years since he had left it and the position as its president behind. He, along with Gremio, had decided to spend some time at the small village that sat outside near Toran's border and Tyr had taken up fishing at the lake situated beside the inn. They had stayed there for a while, Gremio keeping people from approaching and disturbing Tyr, and it went like this for some days (by the sounds of it when you speak to a young girl outside the inn).

It wasn't until the added curiosity of a young boy named Ko and Riou that shifted a change from dallying around. They (or mostly Ko) cooked up a plan to distract Gremio, Ko running up onto the hill distract Gremio with calls of help. The plan worked well enough, and while Gremio hurried off to help the boy, Riou gained his chance to approach Tyr. Things moved to the inn, but not many words would be exchange however when Gremio would soon return, letting it be known to the two and his family at the inn that he had been taken. Gremio urges that they both go to help, but there comes hesitation when then the Soul Eater reacts and sends Tyr onto his knees. It's this reaction that makes him decide against going, not wanting to risk any danger on anyone. It's only by Gremio's words, that he believes the rune to not be evil, that helps to decide in going through with helping. Even after three years, there's still an unsure view of the intentions of the True Rune with the power it holds, and it must be the thought that the rune would take lives for its own greed that makes him refuse like that.

Anyway, continuing on, he asks Riou if he wants to tag along in the way that one asks when putting a hand on their shoulder. They join forces and soon meet up with the bandits that took Ko in the forest, where the reputation of both Tyr and Riou scares the bandits who recognise them. Ko, however, is not with them, as the bandits had come face to face with a monster and left him behind. The group go on to find the young boy in a clearing on the ground, Gremio looking him over and believing he'd been poisoned. It's then when the monster comes out, leaving the group with no choice but to face it.

With the monster defeated, their attention turns back to the poor state of Ko, and it's by Tyr's suggestion that they decide to go to Gregminster to help, by knowledge that Liukan was still residing there. When they approach the border of Toran, Varkas is there to do his duty as ever to stop anyone who approaches, but he becomes quick and willing to help to get them to Gregminster as fast as he is able when he realises Tyr is there. They soon enough end up in Gregminster's palace and ~~~~~~~~


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