19 - [text+video+ACTION]

Nov 11, 2010 10:51

[ Private text message to Kanone ]

Are you better n About th

I want to talk to you.

[ /private ]

[ Suddenly, a few moments after sending that message, the video turns on. It gives an odd, sideways view of a relatively bare bedroom as Tyr clambers out of his bed. Something else caught his attention enough for him to not care about how he set it on the bed stand after hitting "send".

And he doesn't seem to entirely have his footing as he goes over to the door to call to his apartment-mates through the doorway. There's a bit of asymmetry between his two shoulders, but that could just be from the sling his left arm is in. His voice is a bit strained, though. ]

Did one of you take my staff? It's supposed to be... [ He pauses for a moment. It's supposed to be in his room at all times. ] ... You guys did bring it back, right...?

*roommates, ☺Rita Mordio, ☺Presea, [curse], ☺Kanone Hilbert, &poly, *kanone, &ic, [not quite paper cuts], ☺Katara, ☺Riou

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