[ Backdated to yesterday ]
The other night... How do people know if those were their own dreams or not? Is there a way to tell? I'm just curious...
[ Filtered to Rita & Katara: ]
Are you okay?
[ Note left on kitchen table of apartment: ]
I'm going out for a few days.
ooc )
[ ARE U SAD, TYR?! :( ]
I really do... It's important to me.
[ Not really a whiny "Why?" but more an indirect, "What happened?" ]
...Does Bright Shield ever show you things?
I... guess not?
[ But he's going through his memories. ]
But there was that time when I got it...
[ Some relief enters his voice, though he was hoping Riou would be able to empathise. ]
What happened when you got it?
[ /thinks. ]
Things from the past. Like... how I met Jowy. And the time we hid something and it was a secret from Nanami...
[ Nanami :( ]
Then, it's sort of like that... Seeing those old memories.
Except they're not yours, and you don't really know who they belong to.
[ Gentle gentle voice of hoping Riou gets it. ]
[ He gets it... ]
So you're worried that one of the dreams from yesterday... is like that? But from... our runes?
[ There's a bit of a quiet sigh. Shuffling sounds. ] I don't know, Riou... I can't tell how much of that was because of a curse and how much was the Rune... It's... [ Worrying. Frightening. A lot of things. Especially when it comes to Flynn. ]
[ reassurrrring ;; ]
That doesn't change the fact it... All those memories of other people's pain... ... [ He finally decides Riou isn't the person he can talk about this with. Sob, Gremio, come here. ]
...Thanks for listening. I'll be back sometime.
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