Title: Down
Time: 3:42
Music: "Down" by Jay Sean feat. Lil Wayne
Classification: [Doctor Who] Ten/Rose
Spoilers: Series 2 & 4
YouTube Password: tenrose
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
I had the TOUGHEST time today getting this video uploaded anywhere that wouldn't completely destroy the quality. Vimeo seemed to do the best with it, though it took forever for it to finish. There's a tiny audio glitch at 2:12 and a tiny video glitch at 2:14 and some of the effects and transitions between frames aren't as smooth as they should be but I'm tired of messing with trying to get it uploaded glitch free. It's on YouTube as well (see links above) though there's a couple glitches in it there too. The download links offer a lower quality version (78.69mb wmv @ 640x480) of it. I'm not planning on uploading the HQ version as it's over 200mb but if anyone really wants it, I will.
This is one of my favorite vids that I've done, it was a lot of fun to make despite the troubles I've had getting it online. You'll see I added "relliketh" as the name I'm now associating all my vids with. It's a trusty DS9 reference that I've used off and on for years that I've always been fond of, especially since it's not something I see very often being used for anything so it's pretty unique. This vid is happy and fun, something I'm definitely going to need a lot of come the first of the year after watching the tragedy that I know TEoT part 2 is going to be. So watch and be happy. Yay! :D