BSG: Islanded in a Stream of Stars

Mar 07, 2009 01:10

Oh, this was good. It was of the poignant and affecting variety and was just as good as an action-y bam-wow-explosions-zomg sort of episode.

~ I don't know why I thought Boomer and Hera had died but that was the impression I got from last week for some reason. Maybe with everything going on I was just too wrapped up in it and didn't pay enough attention to detail. I still like the shared vision/dream of Hera and the Opera house, I can't wait to find out more!

~ Starbuck talking to Sam - I wondered if she would ever bring up when she once told him that she'd kill him if she ever found out he was a Cylon. That was actually the first thing I thought of after he was shot and she was by his side constantly. It was interesting that he's hooked up now like the Hybrid and can do Hybrid-y stuff. I love that he reacted to Starbuck when she touched him and again called her the 'Harbringer of Death' annnnnnnd I've decided she is just that and she will bring about the destruction of them all... but not the good guys, she'll be the end of the bad guys - Cavil's group and when that happens rebel Cylons and Humans will unite and all will be happy joy time. Yes, I like this.

~ I liked Bill reading to Laura again and really liked Laura's speech about what/where home is. And I just love the Adama/Roslin music, just love it. I think it's still my favorite piece of all Bear's music. I also liked how it was used for Bill and Galactica as well as Bill and Laura just like she said to him in the infirmary.

~ Poor Helo, he has to really be feeling like a royal horses ass right about now. Still, I say he should have known it wasn't his wife last week but he's obviously torn up about everything and poor Hera. I like that Boomer made a connection with Hera and maybe whatever Cavil wants with her, Boomer might actually do something good and help get Hera back to where she belongs.

~ I really thought Starbuck was going to punch Baltar out, I quite expected it. Shame really because I think I would have preferred that to the slap but then again maybe the slap is significant because had this been Starbuck of a couple years ago, she would have done just that - punched him right in the face but now she's different, changed, something new.

~ I though the scene with Bill and the paint to be extremely significant, he's finally admitted that his beloved ship is too far gone and they have to move on. What a tough call, especially for someone like Bill Adama.

Preview for next week - Daybreak Part 1

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