Books, Stargate & Lost

May 04, 2008 15:51

I meant to write out a short opinion on it after I finished it but just didn't get around to it. The first book in the Terok Nor series Day of the Vipers was a pretty good book. It was well written (by James Swallow, I've never read anything from him before though coincidently he's also the author of the DW book Peacemaker) and provided an interesting look at things and events pre-Cardassian occupation. It also presented both sides of the story (something I wasn't really expecting) so you get a reason why things happened as they did and how Bajor was changed from it even early on. Basically the Cardassian Union had used up all their resources, people were starving and dying and what not so when presented with an opportunity to take what they needed from elsewhere, they had no problems in doing so. What I also didn't expect was how long they played the deception game, approximately five years they had pretended to want peaceful negotiations when really they planned to take what they wanted from the very beginning if it weren't just handed over to them. Not that it's not really a surprise with the Cardassians but they also included those from the Oralian Way (basically Cardassia's defunct religious sect dating back to the first civilization on Cardassia) which is interesting because little is known about pre-militaristic/expansionist Cardassia and it's noted in another post-DS9 relaunch book that they may have had ties with early Bajorans. Oh and young Dukat was exactly as I would have thought, he's just always been crazy lol. He's so duplicitous, he really makes for a good villain in just about every way. So overall, not a bad introduction to the series, the next two look to be equally as good. The next one Night of the Wolves (which I just got Friday) is supposed to have young Kira in it and it's also co-written by S.D. Perry who is one of my favorite Trek authors so I'm expecting it to be pretty good.

Other books I'm waiting for:

Star Trek - Terok Nor: Dawn of the Eagles due to be released May 20th, 2008. And also written by S.D. Perry as well.
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Fearful Symmetry due to be released June 24th, 2008. I've only been waiting forever (really nearly forever, like years) for this one as it's the follow-up book after Warpath. I just hope it doesn't get pushed back or suspended again.
Star Trek - Myriad Universes: Infinity's Prism due to be released July 22nd, 2008. Basically a collection of short stories for "what if" scenarios, kind of AU really I'd think.
Star Trek - Destiny: Gods of Night due to be released September 20th, 2008. First in a new crossover trilogy consisting of TNG, DS9 and the Titan books. I think this will be good as I love all three of those.
Star Trek - TNG: Greater than the Sum due to be released July 29th, 2008. Leading off after Before Dishonor (which I wasn't that impressed with) it's also a sort of prequel to the above Destiny series.

That's a lot of Trek books this summer, I'm so excited! :D

And of course the finale of the Legacy of the Force series Invincible is due out in just a few short days. It's written by Troy Denning (one of my favorite SW authors) and out of all the SW authors (aside from Timothy Zahn of course) I'd trust him with all the death and doom and death that is surely to be brought about in this last book. Also, I'll be glad to finish up the series so I can shelve the books and pretend they mostly didn't happen :P

Other than the Shadows of Mindor book that is due out in October, there really aren't that many Star Wars books of interest being released. I'm not so keen on prequel era stuff so I rarely read them. I know theres talk of a series set after LOTF but little is known of what it'd be about.

It looks nice, I like it. :D

Oh, now this was a good episode! They really are very good this season, it's sort of re-ignited and piqued my interest in everything. Firstly, ewww appendiectomy on the island? No thanks. And I thought the exact same thing that Rose had said, people don't get sick on the island, they get better so why was Jack suddenly stricken with appendicitis?

The more we progress along this season, I'm kind of inclined to believe Hurley (minus the dead part) that they've really never left the island. The way things are happening 'after the rescue' are just a little too convenient (ie: Jack & Kate, Sayid getting his revenge etc...) and whatever is happening, I'm curious if Ben is a part of it willingly or not.

I have a feeling that we won't really know what happened to Claire that she just disappears and no one hears from her again which kind of annoys me actually. Though I am finding it interesting that Jack & Claire's dad keeps showing up all creepily and such.

Also, anyone catch the preview to the new M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening? It's due to be released in June (Friday the 13th) and looks good. I really like his movies and think he can tell a good story.

lost, star wars, movies, tng, tv, books, ds9, star trek

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