like a lemming: the icon meme

Mar 30, 2008 16:31

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four/five (there is more than one version of this meme. let's just say 3-5, you know like a prison sentence) of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

For rithmah:

I just really like the cropping (and how you can see the patch on his arm) and colors for this icon. It's a great profile-ish shot for Jack :D

Mr. Burns poking Homer in the eye and Homer laughing about it... what's more to say?! The Simpsons amuse me so.

Raxacoricofallapatorius! I love this word. It's the home world of the Slitheen and not exactly the easiest name to pronounce. In this particular part, Rose finally said it properly and they were like yay! lol

The man has teh!hair of greatness! Not that it'd probably need any coffee, but I like to think there's some sort of permanent infusion of caffeine going on :P

Bad Wolf was the keyword in the first series that was either heard or seen (in this case a kid spray painted it on the side of the TARDIS) in nearly every episode. It was also the title of the first of the two part finale. It was a series of clues spread across time and space by Rose after absorbing the heart of the TARDIS (and time vortex energy) making sure that she'd lead herself back to the point to destroy the Dalek fleet and save the Doctor. He then took the energy from her before it killed her and put it back but doing so also caused him to regenerate. Bad Wolf was also mentioned a couple times in series 2.

For narniadear:

From the TNG episode The Pegasus when Riker & Troi are preparing for 'Captain Picard Day' and I've always just loved the smile on his face then. Plus it's just so amusing :P

Luke looking up at the twin sunset of Tatooine after his disagreement with Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru about leaving the farm. I love the setting of this scene and the music, it's just beautiful and poignant. As for the text, I'm really not sure where I got that from, I probably heard it somewhere but don't remember now (it's one of my oldest icons) but I thought it fit the mood perfectly.

The Tenth Doctor and his trusty ole' Sonic Screwdriver. Out of all the similar icons I've saw, I love the cropping and colors the most on this one.

From TOS episode The Trouble with Tribbles when Scotty was explaining that he transported the Tribbles to the Klingon ship and said "Where they'll be no tribble at all" and everyone is laughing but Spock looks unimpressed. The text captured it perfectly lol

For faithfulpuppy85:

hahaha this was inspired by a post on looooong time ago about 'things you'd never hear on Stargate' and this one cracked me up so much that I had to icon it :P

I don't use this one all that much but sometimes it's just perfect. Teyla wearing hazmat suit but the text is perfect and so fitting for one fearing possible infection of teh!stupid. lol

We all know that he also has teh!hair of awesome and the look on his face so says 'I lol at you hahaha' so of course teh!hair would be mocking as well. I don't use it all that often either but it amuses me too much to get rid of it.

This one amuses me so much too, it's a combination of their facial expressions and the wording. Everyone's 'dream' is pretty normal (you know flying in space, making beautiful music) but Liz's is 'being invisible' and look on her face and everyone's like ... lolz. I have no idea what inspired the creator to do it, but I'm glad they did because it's just too funny.

It's McKay... and he's so Made of Awesome. Nuff said ;)

For starbuck92:

Spock (from the original Star Trek) often said "illogical" when things were, well, not logical (as many things were, he is a Vulcan after all). I love his facial expression here with the exclamation of illogical! because surely he is seeing/hearing something quite illogical.

Zoe, Mal & Jayne from Firefly. I like to think of this as their "big damn heroes" pose, though it's not from the episode where it's actually said. This time they were facing a mob after starting a fight in a bar and were rescued when Serenity (their ship) showed up.

Han & Leia = OTP :D

From Doctor Who, this is the TARDIS (time machine/spaceship) flying through time and space. The icon is fashioned like many other lol-type icons. I also like to think that the TARDIS has quite the sense of humor :P

Converse = teh!win This is actually a screencap from Doctor Who as the Tenth doctor exclusively wears Converse. What better way to save the universe while than wearing a pair of Chucks :D

For trekwriter:

Bill Adama from Battlestar Galactica. This icon makes me laugh so much. His facial expression is perfect for a zomg! icon and the hat is just so random and makes it so much funnier.

Lee Adama from Battlestar Galactica. See while they were spending the year on New Caprica, Lee had just a bit too much pie and became quite pudgy. I liked referring to him as marshmallowy!lee. Of course he got back into shape when they realized the Cylons were coming again and pudgy Lee just wasn't going to cut it.

It was determined there were 5 final human model Cylons (4 have been revealed, the final has not yet) that were created. We don't know why or what their purpose is yet though. This icon is made in the Chuck Norris Facts fashion, because he is the man and he could be all 5 frakking Cylons without anyone else's help. He is Chuck Norris after all. :P

Luke looking up at the twin sunset of Tatooine after his disagreement with Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru about leaving the farm. I love the setting of this scene and the music, it's just beautiful and poignant. As for the text, I'm really not sure where I got that from, I probably heard it somewhere but don't remember now (it's one of my oldest icons) but I thought it fit the mood perfectly.

Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Specifically here as he is falling to the fires of Mount Doom after grappling with Frodo to get the Ring. And he also liked to eat fish. The text is actually from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (it's the title of 4th book of the series as well as a quote) as the beginning of a message the Dolphins left as they were leaving Earth because it had been scheduled to be destroyed to make room for hyperspace travel lanes. Merging the two together in this icon worked brilliantly :D

For black_raven_87:

Kara Thrace & Lee Adama from BSG. I was initially drawn to this icon because I really liked the coloring and the cropping. Though now after seeing the premiere episode, I've come to appreciate the text as well because Lee is probably the only one who believes/or is willing to follow Kara after her mysterious absence.

Jadzia Dax from DS9. One of the things I loved about Jadzia was that she was always smiling and her willingness to have fun and be able to make light of certain situations. Here she's grinning at something Sisko said and I really liked their friendship. I also made this, it was one that just sort of happened while I was working on another icon and I liked it so much that I decided to use it :P

Elizabeth Weir from Stargate Atlantis. This icon is one of my very favs. I love the cropping and coloring and how she is sort of just gazing out over things. The text 'imagine' works perfectly because that's just what they were doing in their initial days on Atlantis, imaging all the new stuff and adventure that lie in wait for them.

Luke, Leia & Han from Star Wars: A New Hope. The best trio ever! (sorry, I'll always be biased for Star Wars) ;) I just liked this icon mostly because it had all 3 of them, nice coloring/brush usage and the rebel symbol up top.

This is one of my most favorite Ten screenshots. It's from Tooth and Claw when they first arrive at the Torchwood house and he starts to suspect something might be amiss. I absolutely love the coloring and cropping of it, it's beautiful in it's simplicity. The creator actually made two (I saved them both) and the other one had text that read "I lost a world the other day" which is very Ten and would fit his expression quite well I think. I just preferred the one without any words.

memes, icons

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