Alright, I admit I held a tiny bit of expectation for this episode in reference to the spoiler forever ago on GW from Joe Mallozzi's blog about a "not so subtle hint about Carter's love life" and of course once again it was absent. This is Stargate though and I'm used to these sorts of things so I wasn't surprised or even disappointed but perhaps a little annoyed. Because I learned they cut that part out but by golly left in the "show them your boobs" bit. WTF? >8/
Anyway about the episode... it was alright and most definitely a filler. Not much else to say, probably what made me like it as much as I did was that it was heavy on the Rodney. And I liked that Carter finally did something, I get in the beginning they needed to underplay her part in it all but they could have at least used her a bit more. I'm not going to get started on that whole bit now because it's just going to send me into a rant about the 5th season and the actions/decisions of TPTB.
And sorry to say Shep, but I think Keller is well under way to stealing your role of Atlantis!Kirk.
That's about it. Yep.