Ordo ad Fratres Faciendum, by friendshipper (PG-13)

Feb 19, 2011 15:42

Title: Ordo ad Fratres Faciendum
Author: friendshipper
Characters: Ronon, Rodney, John, Teyla, Torren
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: one torture scene (though comparably mild, says reccer)
note: gen with background references to past Ronon/Keller, pre-Rodney/Keller, implied Teyla/Kanaan.
Summary: A jumper crash separates the team on a wilderness planet, and they aren't alone. Late S5 (20,800 words)

Why rec'd? A well-written offplanet teamfic that explores Ronon's and Rodney's sometimes-strained relationship as teammates.
"So. You and Ronon."
Rodney looked up from the video game console. "Wow, subtle."
"Are you guys, uh ..." John gestured with the game controller. He wasn't sure whether to finish with okay or fighting or capable of working together or what, so he just let it trail off into silence, though when Rodney's eyes went wide John realized that he might ought to have been a little more specific.
"We're not sleeping together, Sheppard."
"I didn't think you were!" Although it would, come to think of it, explain a few things.

rodney_mckay, sholio, teyla_emmagan, john_sheppard, ronon_dex

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