InvunerableAuthor: Ellex
Characters: The whole team but mainly McKay
Description: Rodney McKay learns that having an artificial ATA gene isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Story Location:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2312714/1/ Why is this being recommended? I like the exploration of Rodney's problem and how he attempts to resolve it. Add a smattering of revenge, wraith, betrayal and friendship and this story is complete.
Woobies of Woe Author: AbylityMaren
Characters: McKay and others
Description: McKay and a kid? Surely there would be no problems with that.
Story Location:
http://www.wraithbait.com/viewstory.php?sid=448 Why is this being recommended? The author notes that "what resulted was an anti-kidfic" is an understatement. McKay is lumbered with a kid and what results is manipulation, hilarity and snark galore.
Less than a minute Author: nebbyJen
Characters: McKay, Zelenka and the others.
Description: An explosion in the jumper bay leaves McKay and Zelenka desperately waiting for rescue.
Story Location:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2534977/1/ Why is this being recommended? A whumper that occurs in their own back yard. From the explosion to the rescue you experience the helplessness, comfort, physical impediments and angst along with the rest of them.