"Oikos (the Optometry Remix)" by panisdead (PG)

Jan 23, 2008 14:41

Rec Category: John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon
Pairing: John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon
Categories: remix, team, pre-relationship, point of view
Warning: poly (implied)
Author on LJ: panisdead
Author's Website: fic tag
Link: Oikos (the Optometry Remix)

Why This Must Be Read: Okay, if I like a story? Chances I'll like its remixes are actually lower. Like, rock bottom. But I love this one.

panisdead works very delicately to shift Rodney's point of view from Oikos, giving us the social misfit we know and love without sacrificing the beauty of the original. It's like a remake of a classic movie everybody loves, but one done by a brilliant director who understands the original perfectly. And after reading this, I understand the original better, too.

The way they touch him makes Rodney nervous sometimes. Ronon likes to shoulder his way into the mess line behind him at meals, wrap both arms around Rodney from behind, and squeeze, half lifting him off his feet with his neck squashed uncomfortably into the crook of Ronon's elbow.

Teyla's less violent about it, but Rodney still twitches uneasily every time she smooths a firm hand along his arm in passing, or brushes the hair at his nape when he drops into the seat next to her at briefings.

The first time Sheppard slides his hand down from Rodney's shoulder to the bare skin just above the waistband of his pants, Rodney jumps so hard he drops a pair of needle-nose pliers into his coffee mug.

team, point of view, pairing: john/rodney/ronon/teyla

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