Teal'c's Wish

Dec 31, 2007 06:16

Rec Category: Crossover
Pairing: Xander/Faith
Category:Crossover - BtVS
Warning:  Season 9 spoilers galore
Author on LJ:
Author's Website:  wait website? am I really suppose to have one of those?
Link: http://www.tthfanfic.com/Story-7497/Nycorson+Teal+c+s+Wish.htm

Okay since this is my last rec of the year, I figured it would be okay to do a tiny bit of shameless plugging.  Yep that is my name up there.  I wrote a pretty long story, which isn't toooooooo bad a while ago (90k words) and it weaves in and out of most of the episodes of season 9.  So go, read, let me know what you think... and have a happy and safe new year.

crossover, pairing: other, sg-1, character: teal'c

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