A Circumstantial Narrative of the Loss of the Brig Atalanta by Circadienne (PG)

Dec 09, 2007 12:55

Rec Category: John Sheppard & Rodney McKay friendship

Pairing: could be read as John/Rodney or gen depending on how one is inclined
Category: AU, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, humor
Warning: none
Author on LJ: circadienne
Author's Website: Circadienne's list of fic on LJ
Link: A Circumstantial Narrative of the Loss of the Brig Atalanta

Why This Must Be Read: From the notes to the story: "... what we really need isn't International Talk Like A Pirate Day, it's International Talk Like Dr. Stephen Maturin Day." That gives you some idea of what you're in for: a delightful series of excerpts from the journal of Rodney McKay (astronomer, mathematician, general man-of-letters) as he sails the coast of America in 1707, not entire by choice, with a shady character known in his journals as "Captain S--". The journal excerpts alternate with hilarious snippets of dialogue between Rodney and "Captain S", expanding on Rodney's somewhat one-sided version of events in his journal. This story is wonderfully written, and the author has John and Rodney's personalities and character voices down, while still retaining an authentic 18th-century flavor.

Snippet of fic

Thus Captain S-- and I were cast adrift in the Atlantic in an open boat, lacking oars, sail, and all instruments of navigation. I will admit that at this moment I indulged myself, and it was fully fifteen minutes before I was again fit company.


"Would you stop blubbering?"

"I am not blubbering. I am coming to terms with my own mortality. And your mortality. And--"

"Why don't you come over here instead?"

"Captain, this is hardly the time for -- "

"I have a knife, Rodney. A knife. But I can't get at it with my wrists tied like this."

humor, character: john sheppard, alternate universe/timeline, friendship: john and rodney, character: rodney mckay

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