Force by MaraJade

Dec 09, 2007 12:19

I know you don't have anything to do for the rest of today, so this will take care of it, read and enjoy.

Subject: Force

Rec Category:  Crossover, StarWars
Pairing:  Sam/Jack, Daniel/Janet, Luke/Mara, Leia/Hans
Category:  Crossover
Warning:  Mentions of slavery and abuse
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author's Website:


Why This Must Be Read:  Okay I don’t really like Star Wars crossovers,  I was always a Trekkie personally, and as such I rarely read them.  I started reading this one before I realized it was a SW cross, and got hooked.  Let’s just say that extreme circumstances can change anyone in more ways than one.  Note:  I would advise reading it on, because on her site it is white text on fuchsia background - a bit hard on the eyes.

het, crossover, pairing: other, pairing: jack/sam, sg-1, pairing: daniel/janet

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