Rec Category: Team
Pairing: none
Categories: team, gen, humor, Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, Teal’c, Vala, Mitchell
Warnings: minor team whumping
Author on LJ:
6beforelunch Author's Website:
Nomadic Spirit Link:
Untitled Whumping Humor Why This Must Be Read: So, SG-1 finds itself whumped. Again. It’s par for the course... and what’s more, they know it.
Untitled Whumping Humor gives us a great look at the S10 team and their ability to mock themselves and the sheer ridiculousness of their everyday routine. It’s short and cracky and has some great zingers, and you’ll find yourselves agreeing wholeheartedly with the rescue team:
"They're SG1," Captain Soto said. "They're generally accepted as being a little cracked."
Reynolds squatted down next to them. "And aren't we thankful for that?"
"Every day, Sir," Ly said. "Every day."
Full disclaimer: This fic was inspired by some discussion on my own LJ. Aren’t I lucky? :)
"Oh please," Sam said. "Like you're much better. 'Rabid voles chewed off my hands? Really? I was so busy translating this fascinating section of wall, I didn't notice.'"
Even Teal'c laughed that time.
"Hey! I would notice if rabid voles chewed off my hands. I need those to work."
"I do not engage in such foolishness," Teal'c said.
"Oh, no," Cam said. "With you it's 'I am in extreme pain, Colonel Mitchell. Now remove yourself from my path, I must exact revenge against the Goa'uld who killed my fifth cousin.'"
"Twice removed," Daniel said.
Cam laughed. "Exactly. You're all nuts."
"We're nuts?" Sam asked. "You enjoy pain."
"I do not."
"'Hey, everyone, look at this deep bleeding gash!'" Daniel said. "'I've never experienced this kind of pain before. Isn't it cool?'"
"Shut up," Cam said.
"'This is like that time in the mission report 1478A-23 where General O'Neill fell and cut himself. I'm--I'm cooler than him, right?'"