Rec Category: Humour
Pairing: John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir (references to Ronon/Teyla)
Category: humour, John/Elizabeth
Warning: none
Author on LJ:
rhin_arielAuthor's website: none
Gossip, Rumours & Why I Shouldn't Do It by John Sheppard Aged 38 1/2 Why this must be read:
25. I will not tell people that the Athosian children can be used to trade with off world. The Athosian’s won’t like it.
This is similar to a Skippy's list but with a bit of a twist in that John was supposed to write an essay for Elizabeth, but produced this instead. No-one and nothing is safe with John making references to everyone from Lorne to Kavanagh and everything from the Atlantis shield to the Daedalus
This is a very funny read and honestly, I can picture Elizabeth telling John to write an essay when he's at his most childish!
13. I will not claim Doctor Kavaunagh is part of a resistance movement and that he should be removed quickly and quietly. It is not his fault he is disliked by everyone.
24. I will not claim that the strength of my ATA gene makes me Emperor of Atlantis. That position is reserved for Doctor Weir.
33. I will not tell people there is a bomb on Atlantis. I am not in ‘Speed’.
39. I will not claim that Lizzie has a posse.