Compromised by Zorb (PG-13)

Oct 18, 2007 20:46

Rec Category: Sam/Daniel
Pairing: Sam/Daniel
Category: humor, angst, friendship, het
Author on LJ: zorb
Author's Website: Zorb's Stargate Fic
Link: Compromised

Why This Must Be Read:
This is one of my favorites from the sd_ficathon. The two of them get stranded off world in an awkward situation. Which leads to a few more awkward situations as the plot and their relationship progresses. And they act like real people, a real couple. One of the highlights of this fic is that they actually argue, and that is kind of a rare thing to find in S/D fic.

The core of this fic is their friendship, so even if you don't ship them you'll probably still enjoy this.

humor, het, angst, friendship, pairing: daniel/sam

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