Beautiful Like Chocolate by Starrylizard (K+/PG)

Sep 08, 2007 20:03

I seem to be on a roll, trying to show Rodney's softer side, I promise I shall [eventually] find some fic where he appears in all of his snarky glory, soon

Rec Category: McKay
Pairing: Rodney/Miko
Category: Het
Warning: Het, Gen
Author on LJ:
Author's Website:  or
Link: Here On  Or Here On LJ

Why This Must Be Read: Besides the fact that this fic came in second place as the Isis Secondary 'Ship Awards, this story is fun to read. The author's own summary sums it up best: Miko is upset and Rodney cheers her up with some unusual compliments. By the end of this story you will be snickering over the revenge Rodney takes on behalf of Miko and squeeing over the sweetness he shows to her. This story is technically het, but you can read it as gen if you like. Enjoy!

pairing: miko/other, het, pairing: rodney/other, character: miko kusanagi, character: rodney mckay, gen

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