The Price of Admiralty, by Gravity Not Included (G)

Mar 11, 2007 19:13

Rec Category: Gen

Pairing: none
Categories: gen, team, Thor, character study, humor, fluff
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: grav_ity
Author's Website: Gravity Not Included
Link: The Price of Admiralty

Why This Must Be Read: Two delightful snippets for the price of one! These were written for the loose_ends_fic ficathon, and they explain exactly why Sam never got to have an Asgard ship named after her.

The first one is moving, and poignant, and has an astonishing Thor POV, who evidently ascribes to the belief in the power of names and the impact they can have on the things so named. It's a lovely tribute to the team we love to see how the mannerisms he ascribes to each member of SG-1 come to life from his particular perspective.

…And then we get the second snippet, which is pure fluffy teamy goodness and hilariously funny, as poor Daniel is put on the spot and forced to blurt out the awful truth. Not to worry, though, because Teal'c gets the last word - and for me, that is always the mark of an excellent fic. :)

Everyone knew the fate of the Jack O’Neill. How he had made his last flight in sacrifice, allowing the Replicators to board him and then self-destructing to save the day.

What was not so well known was the extent to which the Jack O’Neill had annoyed every Asgard who attempted any kind of work on him. The O’Neill was a new ship, and the fight with the Replicators meant that every aspect of him had to be designed like nothing the Asgard had ever tried before. And O’Neill resisted every step of the way.

Always, it seemed O’Neill wanted it to be simpler. The ship designs were theoretically sound. They should work. But some kind of barrier existed between the Asgard and their project and it kept pretending that it didn’t understand. Finally the engineers made a break through and discovered that if they packaged the schematics and coding into small enough pieces, the ship would operate in a way that satisfied them. As long as the O’Neill thought he had the upper hand, he was quite willing to cooperate.

Thor was privately amused, but for the sake of his crew he pretended that he wasn’t.

team, humor, fluff, character: thor, sg-1, character study, gen

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