The Crane Wife by Brighid (PG-13)

Jan 21, 2007 11:56

Rec Category: Femslash
Pairing: Miko/Dumais
Category: Angst
Warning: Character Death, Femslash
Author on LJ: brighidestone
Author's Website: Unknown
Link: The Crane Wife

Why This Must Be Read: Miko is almost entirely a fanon creation. We saw her for about 30 seconds in "Letters From Pegasus," smooshed the barely-mentioned name of Dr. Kusanagi in with her character (dear God, we have to have at least one female on the show with the ATA gene, right?), and a large portion of the fandom fell in love with Miko's sheer potential. Dumais was in one episode before she died in a fairly tragic and horrific way. Brighid takes these characters and writes the quiet, behind-the-scenes story of their relationship, and shows how Miko grieves, and eventually moves on while keeping Dumais' memory alive.

character death, pairing: miko/other, angst, femslash, sga, character: miko kusanagi

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