"Paved With Good Intentions" by sesame-seed (PG-13)

Dec 07, 2006 23:13

Rec Category: John Sheppard
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Miko
Category: Character Study, Dark, Gen, Team(ish)
Warning: Dark, implied violence (off screen)
Rating: PG-13 (Not rated by Author)
Author on LJ: sesame-seed
Author's Website: http://www.onioncornstalk.com/fic/
Link: Paved With Good Intentions

Why This Must Be Read:

Like my rec category suggests, this is a character study about John Sheppard. But what is really unique about it to me is that this story isn’t told in John’s voice. It’s actually told through Rodney’s. Darker aspects of John’s character aren’t glossed over, but are actually highlighted throughout. We're given a glimps at John through Rodney's eyes and the reactions others have when introduced to this side of John Sheppard.

Most people think that Sheppard's a nice guy, and it works because he wants to be a nice guy, he's got all the component parts and the requisite screws it takes to assemble the set.

team, character: teyla emmagan, character: john sheppard, character study, character: miko kusanagi, character: rodney mckay, gen

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