"A Greater Menace Than From Without" by Jb (PG-13)

Nov 09, 2006 11:58

Rec Category: Samantha Carter
Pairing: None
Category: Episode Related, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Point of View, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson
Warning: Spoilers for "Menace"
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author's Website: The Tablet - stories by Jb
Link: A Greater Menace Than From Without

Summary: Sam comes across Daniel in the gate room after the events of "Menace".

Why This Must Be Read: Put quite simply, this is a completely gut-wrenching fic. Many fics dwell on the "wonder twins" aspect of Sam and Daniel, emphasising how close they are, in terms of both their friendship and their personality. This fic turns all of that about, and explores what happens when Sam makes a call that Daniel can never forgive. Told from Sam's POV.

This fic is one that will stay with you for a while. Go read it now! :P

Snippet of Fic

"God, Daniel!" She keyed her radio, realising her voice was far too loud as she reversed her previous message, but not caring. Sliding her fingers over to grope for his radial pulse, Sam couldn't help but let out her anxiety in a loud, chastising torrent. "Why are you just sitting here? You have to know better than this... look at you, look at this hand! What's the matter with you?" A pulse. Looking for a pulse. Daniel grunted and tried to move his arm away as she shifted her fingers and pressed a bit harder. Damn it! Where the hell is it? Was that it? She couldn't tell. He tried to move away again. "This is serious, Daniel. What do you think you're doing? Let me see it." She kicked and clambered her way over the robot to his left side, and held his elbow firmly with one hand as she clutched his wrist with the other and tried again.

"Sam! Stop!" Suddenly he was yelling, was jerking away and moving backward, feet kicking out as he scuttled on his butt away from her. "Argh! Damn it!" He cradled his arm across his chest and leaned forward, raising his head to glare fiercely at her, his voice lowering somewhat in volume but remaining just as raw in tone. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You're trying to fix the wrong thing. Leave it alone. Just leave it alone."

character: daniel jackson, hurt/comfort, angst, point of view, episode related, character: samantha carter

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