Dirty Talk by abysmal_seraph and eviljr (NC-17)

Sep 26, 2006 15:47

Rec Category: Character, other: Dr. Kavanagh

Pairing: Kavanagh/Lorne
Category: Episode tag
Warning: Slash
Author on LJ: abysmal_seraph and eviljr
Author's Website: Unofficially Ben Cotton Online
Link: Dirty Talk

Why This Must Be Read:
If I had to describe this fic is one word, it would be 'hot'! If I had to describe it in three, it would be hot, hot, hot! This is a great work of smut, making 'dirty talk' so much fun.

On a less smutty superficial note. Both of the characterisations are done really well. Kavanagh is completely spot-on. He's still the ass we all know and love but we get to see the deeper side of him and some of the reasons for his behaviour.

The whole thing is very real in that they're both being very 'male' and are therefore unable to admit their true feelings or willing to talk about anything important. But as always actions speak louder than words.

Personally, I also love fics that fit in around the events of Critical Mass and Kavanagh's canon comings and goings and this is a great example.

Nick shook his head. It was like replaying the same conversations they had mulled over time and time again the last three weeks. They both knew how they felt but both held it back; he didn't know who was protecting whom. Now he was sitting in his quarters while the one person he cared about was held up in a small room blamed for something he had nothing to do with. He growled in frustration, sighing he tapped his comm. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you. Strangle or throw you against a wall and entertain some more interesting notions."

pairing: kavanaugh/other, character: kavanaugh, pairing: evan/other, episode related

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