Dark Reflections by Rhienelleth (NC-17)

Sep 02, 2006 18:05

Title: Dark Reflections
Rec Category: Sheppard/Weir
Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
Category: Dark Fic, Parallel Universe, Smut
Warning: Het, Adult Situations
Author on LJ: rhienelleth
Author's Website: Don't know....
Link: Dark Reflections

Why This Must Be Read:

This is a fantastic fic that deals with the distance that Elizabeth feels has been placed between her and the people under her command and how emotionally unconnected she feels from them. It deals with the changes she finds within herself and therefore, her imminent attraction to Sheppard.

As she travels to a parallel universe where everything isn't as she knows, Elizabeth and John's feelings towards one another appear in an unpredicted manner.

This is an incredibly well written fic, that will have you sitting a little closer to the edge of your seat as in unravels.

alternate universe/timeline, pairing: elizabeth/john, smut

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