Casting Stones by liketheriver (PG-13)

Sep 02, 2006 13:17

Rec Category: Character, other: Dr. Kavanagh

Pairing: McKay/Sheppard friendship/preslash
Category: Action, Angst, Humour
Warning: None
Author on LJ: likethekoschka
Author's Website: Not known
Link: Casting Stones

Why This Must Be Read:
This is a mission told from Kavanagh's POV. It has a great Kavanagh voice. He starts off being a snarky, melodramatic jerk and ends up pretty much the same. LOL :D But throughout the story are hints that there's a deeper side to him, that he has his one set of ideals and lives to them and that he's been hurt enough times to be closed off now.

Plus how could you resist a fic that refers to John and Rodney as "the olsen twins" and Weir as "Lenin on Prozac". *g*

Somehow, this is all McKay’s fault. I haven’t had a chance to figure out exactly how, but I have no doubt that somehow this will all point back to him in the long run. Either him or Sheppard, that over pompous fly boy, one of them will definitely take the fall for this one. Better yet, maybe it is both of their faults. Oh, now that is a happy, happy thought and very believable to boot. Everyone knows that either one of them is a trouble magnet, but put the two of them together and it becomes down right catastrophic. They are the Siegfried and Roy of chaos, the Olsen twins of doom. It is like some strange feng shui nightmare when the two of them enter a room together, you can almost feel the planets realigning into an apocalyptic blueprint for destruction.

humor, angst, action/adventure, character: kavanaugh, friendship: john and rodney

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