Hunting Parties by Victoria Custer (NC-17)

Feb 26, 2006 16:44

Rec Category: John Sheppard
Character: John Sheppard/Original Male Character
Category: Action/adventure, episode-type adventure, slash
Warning: Slash, HOTW (*g*)
Author on LJ: unknown to me
Author's Website: The LTLJverse
Link: Part one, part two

Why This Must Be Read: We've seen on screen that John Sheppard seems to have fairly relaxed standards when it comes to choosing sex partners (alive, breathing and throwing themselves at him seem to be the qualifications), and for the most part his rather juvenile behavior is tolerated (though not quietly by any means) by his teammates when it doesn't endanger them.

I'm not fond of those episodes at all (obviously *g*), nor am I fond of stories where one-half of my favorite pairing ends up in bed with someone other than the other half of the pairing. *g* But I like this story anyway, because its focus is mostly on John's adventures in being captured by slavers and waiting to be rescued by his team while he's incapacitated.

This story feels like an episode to me. Well, an episode we could see if the SFC would actually tolerate a well-written story where the openly bisexual nudist aliens' very male leader ends up as Sheppard's babe of the week. And really, I mean that in the best way. *vbg*

pairing: john/other, slash, character: john sheppard, action/adventure, episode related

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