McKay Rec: "Layover"

Feb 25, 2006 21:05

Rec Category: McKay
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Category: Slash (Explicit)
Author on LJ: kylielee1000
Author's Website:kylie lee
Link: Layover
Warnings: This spoils for the "Siege" arc.

Why This Must Be Read:

One: The Rodney-voice was so good I could hear it. I don't care how clever the plot, if you don't have the characters, it just doesn't work for me. A believable character voice always sells me. Two: The really human foibles and needs we see here, along with what are some pretty believable insecurities, that together make the whole thing feel oddly believable. Add to that the little old lady, and I was lost. Kylie, you had me at "It interferes with my hearing aid!". Three: Kylie writes characters like people, with give and take and heart.

Her Summary: On Earth, after 2.01 "Siege 3," McKay stops by Sheppard's on his way to Canada.

slash, character: rodney mckay, pairing: john/rodney

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