Sensitivity by tielan (Rated PG-13)

Nov 30, 2005 23:32

Rec Category: Teyla

Pairing: Teyla and alot of different people + McKay/Weir and Weir/Sheppard - all implied UST as part of the plot
Category: Friendship, team, UST
Warning: Some sexual references
Author on LJ: tielan
Author's Website: N/A

Link: Sensitivity

Why This Must Be Read: For the insights into Teyla's culture and character, as well as her relations as a leader of the Athosians. It has alot of UST, but a decent explanation even if you think it's out of character. Though it's team fic Teyla is a major focus and it is such a treat to see her in more than just a supporting role in a team fic.

character: teyla emmagan, ust, pairing: elizabeth/john, pairing: elizabeth/rodney

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