A Long Night by tielan (Rated Mature)

Nov 18, 2005 16:49

Rec Category: Sheppard/Teyla

Pairing: See above
Category: UST + romance
Warning: Some sexual references
Author on LJ: tielan
Author's Website: N/A

Link: A Long Night

Why This Must Be Read: It's Shep/Teyla romance without being cliched, unbelievable or overly smutty. Smut for this ship doesn't come around often and to get unexplicit yet still enjoyable and fairly hot smut is quite a pleasant surprise. Couple the fact that this is infact a sequel to another very good Shep/Teyla fic and it's quite an unusual find, to have a gradual evolution to their relationship that doesn't seem rushed, overbearing, or even like it's written simply for the sake of getting them together just because the writer ships the pair and wants a happy ending - because to be honest this isn't a happy ending, it's full of frustration and uncertainty in the face of possible death, where they choose to blur the lines of friendship into more. I really enjoyed it because it wasn't a simple story and it didn't ignore their feelings in favour of their hormones, it was more than just the usual plot what plot because it had the back set of their friendship and the impending doom, and all the feelings of the two characters over that, which melded into what happens in the story.

pairing: john/teyla, ust, romance

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