"Look" by tigs (Rated G)

Nov 10, 2005 23:22

Rec Category: Atlants Het Other

Pairing: McKay/Teyla
Category: friendship, established relationship
Warning: None
Author on LJ: tigs
Author's Website: Sarah's Story Page

Link: Look

Why This Must Be Read: Because with such an odd pairing as this it's easy to see just friendship between them, ecept this story does a great job of bridging that friendship into an uncertain, but sweet, something more. It's set not too long after they have gotten together. I'm not aware of a prequel that sets this up but the way it's done left me feeling happy, and like I didn't need something to explain why and how; it just was and it worked well. It's a nice transition piece rather than full on into the relationship and I think it's good for showing the potential of the pairing without leaving people so shocked they rebut it as more than a little unusual. It sort of slides you into perhaps believing in the pairing when you didn't expect to. :)

het, friendship, established relationship

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