Monthly links: October

Nov 01, 2017 11:40

Many thanks to audabee, eivac, mific, monksandbones, and respoftw for all their October recs! We had 14 recs this month.

Here are the links:

Audabee, in the Sam and Jack (pairing/friendship) category:

Traditions by Little Red (Rated K)

Duck Soup by mrv3000 (Michelle V)

Some Days You're the Hydrant by gingasaur

Passing Time by Akamaimom (PG)

Eivac, in the Crossover category:

Magical Cage by Litgal (G)

The Monster in the Closet by fourteenlines (R)

Mific, in the AU category:

Looking-Glass (by Valderys) (G)

Outfoxed (by Cesare) (G)

What the Sea Has to Give (by Siria) (PG)

Monksandbones, in the Episode Related category:

Socks, by Cofax (G)

Act of Contrition, by Mad_Maudlin (G)

Respoftw, in the John/Rodney category:

Marrying the Marquis by zoemathemata

All These Places We Have Met by Toft

And I recced one Team fic:

Helping Hands, by Thothmes (PG)

Enjoy the recs!

monthly links

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