On Life and Living (series) by wesleysgirl (Explicit)

Jul 15, 2017 12:14

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Kid Fic (of the 'they are parents' variety)
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay.
Pairings: McShep, past John/Elizabeth
Categories: Slash, past het
Warnings: Elizabeth is dead in this story, not sure that counts as needing a warning but...just to be safe!
Link: On Life and Living

Why This Must Be Read: I have a thing for kid fics, I make no bones about it. I generally prefer Rodney as the parent but this is one of two exceptions that prove that rule.

John is a widower, looking after his (very well written and likeable) daughter Kayla. During a trip to the science museum, they meet Dr Rodney McKay and...he basically never leaves their life after that. It's a very sweet set of fics, completely AU, set on Earth, no stargates whatsoever. Both John and Rodney are kept amazingly in character throughout which is always a challenge in AUs. Kayla is a great kid character and avoids the trap of being too perfect. One of my favourite things about this fic is that it shows both John and Rodney as fallible parents and feels very real.

They have lunch at the restaurant, which is more like a cafeteria than anything else. Rodney pays for everything even when John tells him he doesn't have to. The next stop is the gift shop, where Kayla would happily spend an hour at least. She looks at books, videos, stuffed animals, bath toys, magnets, sticker sets, and postcards until Rodney finally sighs and gives her a twenty dollar bill. "I don't care what you buy as long as I don't have to stand here and observe the process," he says, and goes outside in a huff.

John frowns. There are two employees in the gift shop, both middle aged women, and only a few other people shopping, but he can't leave Kayla in there on her own even though it's probably completely safe.

"Is Rodney mad?" she asks, coming over and taking John's hand. "I don't have to buy anything."

"No, it's okay," he says. "Go on and choose something, okay? Just try not to take too long."

"Okay." In a minute or two, Kayla settles on a pair of stuffed white Bengal tigers and pays for them, taking the change solemnly. They go outside, where Rodney is throwing little feed pellets for some ducks that have waddled over from the nearby pond display. "This one's for you," Kayla says, offering Rodney one of the little tigers.

Rodney swallows and slowly takes it. "Thanks," he says. The ducks quack and wander around in confusion, wondering where the food is, but Rodney isn't paying any attention to them. "Sorry," he mutters. "I guess I'm not very good at this."

"Hey, it's nice to know there's something you're not good at," John says.

slash, kidfic, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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