What Happens in the Clubhouse (by skoosiepants) (PG)

Jun 18, 2017 14:57

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Kidfic - of the accidentally de-aged kind
Characters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, OMC (Larry), Teyla, Elizabeth, etc.
Categories: slash - mostly pre-slash
Warnings: Nil
Author on LJ: skoosiepants
Author's Website: See the AO3
Link: What Happens in the Clubhouse on AO3

Why This Must Be Read: This is a classic in the de-aged team genre, although only Rodney, John, Ronon and Larry-the-zoologist get de-aged - thankfully Teyla, as ever, is an adult. It's both poignant and hilarious, as although they still have their minds and their memories, the guys are only 5 years old, and that affects them in a bunch of ways and makes them behave more like their physical age. After a rocky start off-world when they're suddenly turned back into kids they eventually get to enjoy themselves, and John and Rodney discover snuggling. There's a nice little gen part two addition as well.

Crying, of course, just made everything worse.

He snuffled into Rodney's jacket and swiped at his blurry eyes with strangely tiny fingers, and Rodney was gasping wetly in his ear, hands clenching the front of his T-shirt, sticky cheek mashing John's hair, and in the background he could hear Larry just bawling and seriously. Seriously. John wanted to kill himself.

"This is so very wrong," Rodney said, voice thick with tears. "I want my mom. I don't even like my mom."

"I want Teyla," Ronon grumbled, managing to sound heartbroken and really, really disgruntled, and John looked up to see him sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room, eyes reddened but dry, chewing on a ratty lock of hair.

"We need to get out of here," John said, nodding, head still half-buried in the jacket that was swimming on Rodney's small body.

Rodney's fingers tightened, then released the material of John's shirt, and he pushed the other boy away with the flat of his palms, a sneer on his blotchy face. "Right, yes, because traveling through the eleven miles of forest between here and the 'gate will be a piece of cake when we're roughly the size of dwarves, with all the strength of a bundle of sticks!"

slash, kidfic, sga, pairing: john/rodney

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