Past and Pending by meansgirl (NC-17 by author)

Jun 08, 2017 00:29

Show: Stargate Atlantis
Rec Category: Slash
Characters: Radek Zelenka, Evan Lorne, Laura Cadman, Rodney McKay
Pairings: Evan Lorne/Radek Zelenka
Categories: Slash, AU
Warnings: explicit sexytimes, mentions of PTSD
Author on LJ: meansgirl
Author's Website: meansgirl
Link: Past and Pending

Why This Must Be Read: This is a beautiful AU, with Evan and Radek meeting beyond the confines of the Stargate Program. Their courtship is sweet and heated, quirky and complicated. It explores them getting to know each other, and also the difficulty of one person knowing about the program and the other person not. I love when someone gets read into the program and it changes their world. Evan and Radek have pretty good screen-time in canon, so I'm always surprised that this 'ship isn't more popular in fandom, but when it's done, it's done well, and this is one of the best I've seen.

These are things Radek has thought about since coffee number one, and fantasized about since somewhere around coffee number three, and anticipated ever since two weeks ago when Evan swept his tongue over Radek's bottom lip on a corner in SoHo. Two days after that, they shared a chocolate-mocha-flavored kiss after coffee, leaving Radek flustered for his three o'clock class. Three days ago, pressed against the wall behind the (tightly shut) door to Radek's office at Columbia ("I sat for freshmen today in my skivvies, thought I'd swing by"), Evan sank his teeth into the tender skin of Radek's neck, Radek's fingers digging into his shoulders. The sharp bite of teeth to tendon, the soothing sweep of tongue that followed--all of it is fuel for fantasy, for the nerves that make Radek's hands jump a little more when he speaks as dinner winds down.

The difference between before and right now is that Radek suddenly wants with an intensity that blindsides him. But isn't at all surprising once he takes a moment to regain his footing, watches Evan watching him over his beer. The truth, the whole truth, crystallizes like an equation; like the arguments for a proof sliding and clicking into place. It is more thrilling than feeling like he's understood a new, infinitesimal slice of the universe. The answer to the equation is this: Radek is going to get Evan Lorne naked before the night is over.

pairing: evan/radek, slash, sga

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